Setting up Git on Windows Subsystem for Linux
I was using Git for windows, but this started causing issues with Powershell after i updated it, so i started using WSL instead. This caused a few more complications as i needed to start from scratch again. To start with we need to install git in the terminal. By default, windows uses ubuntu, but i have changed my OS to Centos as i am more familiar with RedHat based OSes.
yum install git
In order to start uploading your projects to git, i manually created the repo on my git pages. I then created a deploy key per project to ensure i was able to securely communicate with GitHub.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your email address" -f ~/.ssh/project_name
Once the keyfile has been generated (i chose not to have a passphrase), copy the contents of the public key (~/.ssh/ into your deploy keys section under the settings of your project on GitHub. Once the key has been installed successsfully, test that you can access your project.
ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/project_name
Hi username/project_name! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
This shows that you are able to connect to your project on GitHub
# cd into your project directory
cd project_name/
# This command initialises your directory and creates a .git folder containg your config file
git init
# This updates your config file with your username
git remote add origin
# This adds all files and folders to your tree
git add .
# Once your files, you should see that they have been added with a create mode and permissions
git commit -m "Initial Upload"
# Once all files are added you can run the following command
git push -u origin master
- make sure you put the .gitignore file in your directories BEFORE you run the commit, otherwise you can delete the local cache and try again. I fell foul of this with the .terraform folder and it errored due to the size of the AWS provider.
git rm -r --cached *
or if that doesn’t work, start again
rm -rf .git/
git init
- i use SSH keys and aliases in order to have different keys for the same host for different projects